May 15, 2024

Spot your target audience in the crowd: 5 useful tips for business owners.

Do not be deceived, everybody cannot be your target audience. We aren’t trying to rain on your hopes and dreams but in a world full of fake love and affection, you need a buddy in your corner to tell you the truth unashamedly.

Remember the saying ‘A Jack of all trades is a master of none’? This applies to business owners and multi-billion dollar companies. Even as popular as the iPhone is, Steve Jobs couldn’t charm everyone.

We didn’t just come to bash you alone, what kind of friend would that make us? We bring good tidings and solutions on how to Identify your Target Audience. Here are 5 useful tips that can help you out.

What is a Target Audience?

These are the specific set of consumers that your product or service was made for. They are characterised by age, gender, location and even income.

Why is Identifying your Target Audience Important?

Easy, they are the money-bringers. Identifying your target audience ensures that your marketing budget gets spent on the right people who are likely to do business with you.

This also allows you to build a stronger connection with the consumers once you have been able to identify their personas, needs and goals.

But how can they be identified without having to go through many trials and errors? Here are 5 useful tips to help you through it.

5 Tips On How to Identify Your Target Audience

1. Identify Industry Trends and Conduct Market Research: We know this sounds like hard work but we’re sure you didn't create a product just to be dubbed a CEO, did you? Identify what problems your product or service can solve, its unique quality and the recent trends that surround that particular product as they can help you come up with a marketing plan.

2. Be a Spy: Not like the ones in action movies with cool gadgets but a research spy. Don’t be ashamed to check what your competitors are up to. They all did it, which is why some adverts are somewhat similar. But that doesn't mean ideas should be copied verbatim. Their social media accounts are a good place to start. Checking how they release their products, how they relate to their clients, and what steps they take when it comes to pricing and marketing. This also helps tailor the social media algorithm to the type of content related to your business.

Nova by Loopify UGC Creators

3. Identify the filler crowd: Create a list that has all the qualities of people that the product serves and those that it doesn't. Pitching your service to this type of crowd is time-wasting and doesn’t count as a productive effort.

4. Demographic Identification: Age and gender are important attributes to map out when coming up with a marketing strategy. For example, trying to sell make-up products but the content isn’t relatable to the majority of the female gender. And even though some men buy make-up products, it still doesn't beat the fact that it is known as a woman’s property. Check the statistics, and identify the gender and age group.

Pictures of Vendors at NBC (Naija Brand Chick) Trade Fair

5. Customer Feedback: Customer is king, no matter the service, and feedback from those clients or potential clients matters. Survey forms aren't a thing of the past as they still help to shape the business perspective and have an insight into the mind of the customer.


Having the greatest product in the world could be likened to discovering the elixir of youth but even so, not everyone is interested in staying young. Identifying your target audience is one of the first steps to running a successful business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Which marketing tools can be used to reach your target audience?

  • Multiple channels can be used to reach the right people. These channels might include digital methods like email, social media or Search Engine Optimisation(SEO). Traditional methods include print advertising.

What are the ways content can be tailored to a particular target audience?

  • Surveys and interviews can be used to find out the behaviour patterns and persona of that particular audience. Segment them according to their demographic and create content according to their needs and pain points. It must be relatable.

Want to implement the above strategies to start pitching to the right audience?

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