August 22, 2024

7 User-Generated Content Tips For Small Business and Startups

Over time User- Generated Content has become a cornerstone of modern digital marketing strategies. Statistics has shown that 90% of people base their purchase decisions on UGC. And 95% of marketers agree that UGC increases marketing emails’ open rates.

Some brands go one step further and show UGC on their websites, engaging visitors with authentic content. They get almost 29% more website conversions than brands that don't show UGC.


With such impact, it’s clear that User- Generated Content can significantly boost your marketing efforts, making it an essential component for startups and small businesses.

In this article, we'll address what User-Generated Content is, Importance and tips on how to go about it as a small business owners or starter and even UGC platforms that can be of help.

1. Set Clear Rules from the Start: Your content’s quality is directly related to the rules you establish. What type of content do you want to allow? What should be off-limits? Define these boundaries early on and make them crystal clear in your Terms of Service. 

2. Be Proactive: Don’t wait for problems to arise start moderating content right from the get-go. Reactive moderation is a constant game of catch-up and can be much more challenging to manage. By setting a proactive approach, you’ll maintain a high standard from the start.

3. Transparency Builds Trust: Use UGC not only to improve your product but also as a tool to reach new customers. Take feedback seriously and use it to inform your marketing strategy, turning any negative experiences into positive ones.

4. Maintain Balance: When leveraging User-Generated Content (UGC) for your brand, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between authenticity and appropriateness. Also when providing feedback through UGC, always approach it with respect.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help: There’s no shame in admitting you’re not an expert in everything. Just as you might seek help with accounting or legal matters, you should also consider outsourcing content moderation. This allows you to maintain focus on what you do best.

6. Consider Outsourcing Content Moderation: Outsourcing content moderation can save you time, money, and headaches. It’s typically cheaper than hiring a full-time moderator and can be more efficient, especially when you use a combination of automated and manual moderation tools. Plus, it takes the pressure off your team, allowing you to focus on growth rather than moderation logistics.

7. Invest in the Right UGC Platform: Look for the right platform that align with your business goals. Whether you’re aiming to run a social media contest, create shoppable UGC, or simply collect and analyze user feedback, the right platform will help you leverage UGC effectively without overwhelming yourself.

What is User-Generated Content?     

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any form of content such as images, videos, text, and audio created by users rather than the brand itself. It could be anything from a customer review, a social media post featuring your product, or even an entire blog post. UGC is powerful because it’s authentic and often more relatable than brand-created content.

With that here are some UGC tips that can come in handy, helping you stay focused on growth while effectively managing the content your users generate.

How to Choose the Right UGC Platform for My Brand?

Choosing the right UGC platform is crucial for maximizing the benefits of user-generated content. Here’s what to consider:

Ease of Use: The platform should be userfriendly, allowing easy navigations, and should integrate well with your existing systems. .

Accuracy: Ensure that the platform can accurately collect and report data, avoiding common issues like duplicate content. And delivers ontime.

Pricing: Cost varies depending on features. Many platforms offer affordable content take advantage of this to find the best fit for your budget.

Customer Support: A responsive support team can be a lifesaver. Ensure the platform offers reliable customer service to assist with any issues.

User-generated content is a powerful tool for small businesses and startups, but it requires careful management to maximize its benefits. By setting clear rules, being proactive, maintaining transparency, and knowing when to ask for help, you can harness the power of UGC without compromising your brand’s integrity. 

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